All the governors and associate members of St Philip’s CE Primary School listed below have signed the Register of Personal, Pecuniary or Business Interests.
There is currently 1 governor who is on another Governing Board.
The standing committees are convened as required and are formed with members of the Governing Board according to the Terms of Reference.
The standing committees are as follows:
- Head Teacher Appraisal
- Parental Complaints
- Staff Discipline
- Pupil Discipline
- Staffing appeals
The Governing Board meets half-termly to receive information about school. Contact with members of the Governing Board should be made through the school office.
Governing Body
Role |
Name |
Term of Office |
Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor) | Rachel Lapington | 5th July 2023 - 4th July 2027 |
Vice Chair of Governors (Foundation Governor) | Doris Eaton | 9th Jun 2022 - 8th Jun 2026 |
Foundation Governor (ex-Officio) | Gareth Robinson | 10th Oct 2016 |
Foundation Governor | Hannah Elliott | 6th March 2023 - 5th March 2027 |
Foundation Governor | Azel Ngwira | July 2021 - July 2025 |
Parent Governor | Rebecca Harrison | 27th May 2021 - 26th May 2025 |
Parent Governor | Ania Kasprowicz | 27th May 2021 - 26th May 2025 |
Staff Governor | Kelly Jordan | 15th March 2024 |
Headteacher | Beverley Jackson | 24th April 2023 |
Foundation Governor | Hilda Koon | December 22 - December 2026 |
Foundation Governor | Alice Yeoman | 15/02/2024-14/02/2028 |
Foundation Governor | Timothy Olson | 15/02/2024-14/02/2028 |
Role |
Name |
Term of Office |
Headteacher | Hazel Brady | 16th Apr 2015 - 31st Aug 2017 (retired) |
Foundation Governor | Nia Faulder | 7th Feb 2015 - 21st May 2017 (resigned) |
Foundation Governor | Ann Rose | 20th May 2016 - 11th Oct 2017 (resigned) |
Co-opted Governor | Jessica Symons | 24th Nov 2015 - 31st Jan 2018 (resigned) |
Foundation Governor | Ciara Courtney | 23rd May 2018 - 6th February 2019 |
Foundation Governor | Ros Holland | 23rd May 2018 - February 2019 |
LA governor | Cllr P Dobbs | 15th Dec 2016 - July 2019 |
Foundation Governor | Jeremy Wisdom | 6th December 2017 - 18th May 2020 |
Parent Governor | Amanda Gleave | 14th May 2018 - 13th May 2022 |
Staff Governor | Paul Steadman | 31st Jan 2018 - 31st Jan 2022 |
Name |
Appointed By |
Pecuniary Interests |
Doris Eaton | Manchester Diocese/Governing Body | Church Warden at St Philip’s Church |
Gareth Robinson | N/A | Rector at St Philip’s Church |
Rebecca Harrison | Parents | None |
Debbie Lewis | School Business Manager (Associate member) | None |
Hannah Elliott | PCC | None |
Rachel Lapington | LA/Governing Body | None |
Ania Kasprowicz | Parents | None |
Kelly Jordan | Staff | TBC |
Alice Yeoman | LA/Governing Body | None |
Tim Olson | LA/Governing Body | None |
Hilda Koon | LA/Governing Body | None |
Azel Ngwira | LA/Governing Body | None |
Governor Attendance at Meetings
Use the drop down menus below to view the Attendance at meetings for each Governor Committee.
Name |
Governor Type |
11.10.17 |
6.12.17 |
21.1.18 |
Doris Eaton | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Kate Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Gareth Robinson | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Karen Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Jessica Symons | Co-opted | Attended | Attended | Resigned |
Amanda Gleave | Parent | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Rebecca Harrison | Parent | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Julia Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Paul Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Peter Dobbs | Local Authority | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Jeremy Wisdom | Foundation | Observer | Attended | Attended |
Beverley Jackson | Deputy Headteacher | Observer | - | Observer |
Name |
Governor Type |
22.11.17 |
7.3.18 |
27.6.18 |
Cllr Peter Dobbs | Local Authority | Apologies accepted | Apologies accepted | Apologies accepted |
Jessica Symons | Co-opted | Attended | - | - |
Kate Ogden | Foundation | Apologies accepted | Attended | Attended |
Julia Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Apologies accepted | Attended |
Doris Eaton | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Karen Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Debbie Lewis | School Business Manager | Apologies accepted | Attended | Attended |
Jeremy Wisdom | Foundation | - | Attended | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
14.3.18 |
1.1.70 |
4.7.18 |
Doris Eaton | Foundation (Chair of Governors) | Apologies accepted | Attended | Apologies accepted |
Kate Ogden | Foundation (Vice Chair of Governors) | Attended (chair) | Apologies accepted | Apologies accepted |
Gareth Robinson | Foundation | Attended | Apologies accepted | Attended (chair) |
Karen Schofied | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Amanda Gleave | Parent | Attended | Apologies accepted | Attended |
Rebecca Harrison | Parent | Attended | Apologies accepted | Attended |
Julia Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Paul Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Peter Dobbs | Local Authority | Attended | Apologies accepted | Attended |
Jeremy Wisdom | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Beverley Jackson | Observer | Observer | - | - |
Name |
Governor Type |
10.10.18 |
5.12.18 |
6.2.19 |
Mr J Wisdom | Chair of Governors | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Mrs D Eaton | Vice Chair of Governors | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mr G Robinson | Foundation | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Ms C Courtney | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted |
Ms R Holland | Foundation | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted |
Mrs K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms R Harrison | Parent | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms A Gleave | Parent | Attended | No apologies received | Attended |
Mr P Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Cllr P Dobbs | LA | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Jane Eberhart | Minuting Officer | Attended | Attended | - |
Ms B Jackson | Deputy Headteacher (observer) | - | - | - |
Mrs H Elliott | Foundation | - | - | - |
Mrs A Ferries | Foundation | - | - | - |
Name |
Governor Type |
27.3.19 |
22.5.19 |
10.7.19 |
Mr J Wisdom | Chair of Governors | Attended | Attended | |
Mrs D Eaton | Vice Chair of Governors | Apologies accepted | Apologies Accepted | |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | |
Mr G Robinson | Foundation | Attended | Apologies Accepted | |
Ms C Courtney | Foundation | - | - | |
Ms R Holland | Foundation | - | - | |
Mrs K Schofield | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted | |
Ms R Harrison | Parent | Attended | Apologies Accepted | |
Ms A Gleave | Parent | Attended | Apologies Accepted | |
Mr P Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | |
Cllr P Dobbs | LA | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted | |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | |
Mrs H Elliott | Foundation | Attended | Attended | |
Mrs A Ferries | Foundation | Attended | Attended | |
Mrs L Williams | Clerk | Attended | Attended | |
Ms B Jackson | Observer | Attended | Attended | |
Name |
Governor Type |
31.10.18 |
13.3.19 |
12.6.19 |
Mr J Wisdom | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms A Gleave | Parent | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Lewis | School Business Manager | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Mrs K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
9.10.19 |
11.12.19 |
5.2.20 |
Mr J Wisdom | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Eaton | Diocesan | Attended | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Ms K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs A Ferries | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Mrs H Elliott | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mr G Robinson | Foundation (Ex-Officio) | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms A Gleave | Parent | Attended | No Apologies Received | No Apologies Recieved - not accepted |
Ms R Harrison | Parent | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Mrs R Lapington | Local Authority | Attended | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs L Williams | Clerk to the Governing Board | Attended | Apologies Received | Attended |
Ms B Jackson | Observer | - | - | Attended |
Mr P Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
25.3.20 |
20.5.20 |
8.7.20 |
Mr J Wisdom | Foundation | Attended | Resigned | Resigned |
Mrs D Eaton | Diocesan | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs A Ferries | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs H Elliott | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mr G Robinson | Foundation (Ex-Officio) | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs A Gleave | Parent | No apologies received | No apologies received | No apologies received |
Ms R Harrison | Parent | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs R Lapington | Local Authority | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs L Williams | Clerk to the Governing Board | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms B Jackson | Observer | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
30.10.19 |
4.3.20 |
17.6.20 |
Mrs H Elliott (Chair) | Foundation | Attended | | |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation | Attended | | |
Mrs K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | | |
Miss J Kinch | Heateacher | Attended | | |
Mrs D Lewis | School Business Manager | Apologies Accepted | | |
Mrs A Gleave | Parent | Apologies Received | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
7.10.20 |
9.12.20 |
3.2.21 |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Eaton | Vice Chair of Governors and Diocesan | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mr G Robinson | Foundation (Ex Officio) | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms A Ferries | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted |
Mrs H Elliott | Foundation | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Ms R Harrison | Parent | Attended | Attended | Attended |
| Parent | | | |
Mr P Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | Attended |
| Foundation | | | |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
24.3.21 |
19.5.21 |
14.7.21 |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Eaton | Vice Chair of Governors and Diocesan | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mr G Robinson | Foundation (Ex Officio) | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms K Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms A Ferries | Foundation | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Mrs H Elliott | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms R Harrison | Parent | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Mrs A Ksprowiscz | Parent | - | - | Attended |
Mr P Steadman | Staff | Attended | Attended | Attended |
| Foundation | | | |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
28.10.20 |
3.3.21 |
16.6.21 |
Mrs H Elliott | Chair of Committee and Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ms K Schofield | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Lewis | School Business Manager | Attended | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Mrs R Lapington | Foundation | | Attended | Apologies Accepted |
Name |
Governor Type |
6.10.21 |
8.12.21 |
7.2.22 |
Rachel Lapington | LA and Chair of Governors | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Doris Eaton | Foundation and Vice Chair of Governors | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Kate Ogden | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted |
Gareth Robinson | Foundation (ex-officio) | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Karen Schofield | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Abigail Ferries | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Attended | Attended |
Hannah Elliott | Foundation | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Rebecca Harrison | Parent | Attended | Apologies Accepted | Attended |
Paul Steadman | Staff | Apologies Accepted | Attended | - |
Julia Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Azel Ngwira | Foundation | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Ania Kasprowicz | Parent | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Sarah Jewitt | Clerk to the Governors | Attended | Attended | Attended |
Beverley Jackson | Observer | - | - | Attended |
Dafydd Davies | Staff | - | - | Attended |
Name |
Governor Type |
23.3.22 |
18.5.22 |
6.7.22 |
Rachel Lapington | LA and Chair of Governors | Attended | | |
Doris Eaton | Foundation and Vice Chair of Governors | Apologies Accepted | | |
Kate Ogden | Foundation | Attended | | |
Gareth Robinson | Foundation (ex-officio) | Attended | | |
Karen Schofield | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | | |
Abigail Ferries | Foundation | No Apologies Sent | | |
Hannah Elliott | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | | |
Rebecca Harrison | Parent | Attended | | |
Dafydd Davies | Staff | Attended | | |
Julia Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | | |
Azel Ngwira | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | | |
Ania Kasprowicz | Parent | Attended | | |
Sarah Jewitt | Clerk to the Governing Board | Attended | | |
Beverley Jackson | Observer | Attended | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
24.11.21 |
2.3.22 |
15.6.22 |
Hannah Elliott | Foundation and Chair of Committee | Attended | Attended | |
Rachel Lapington | LA | Attended | Attended | |
Julia Kinch | Headteacher | Attended | Attended | |
Kate Ogden | Foundation | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted | |
Doris Eaton | Foundation | Attended | Attended | |
Debbie Lewis | Associate Member (School Business Manager) | Attended | Attended | |
Name |
Governor Type |
14.9.22 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Ms Rebecca Harrison | Parent Govenor | | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | | | |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | | | |
Miss K Scholfield | Foundation Governor | | | |
Rev G Robinson | Ex-Officio | | | |
Mrs A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | | | |
Miss J Kinch | Headteacher | | | |
Ms B Jackson | Head of School | | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
5.10.22 |
7.12.22 |
22.3.23 |
Mr Davies | Staff Governor | 5th October 2022 | Apologies | 22nd March 2023 |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | Apologies |
H Elliot | Foundation Governor | 5th October 2022 | Apologies | 22nd March 2022 |
R Harrison | Parent Governor | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | 22nd March 2022 |
B Jackson | Head of School | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | 22nd March 2022 |
A Kasprowicz | Parent Governor | 5th October 2022 | Apologies | 22nd March 2022 |
J Kinch | Headteacher | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | 22nd March 2022 |
R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | 22nd March 2022 |
A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | No Apologies Sent | 7th December 2022 | No Apologies Sent |
K Ogden | Foundation Governor | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | |
Rev G Robinson | Ex-Officio | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | 22nd December 2022 |
K Schofield | Foundation Governor | 5th October 2022 | 7th December 2022 | 22nd December 2022 |
H Koon | Foundation Governor | | 7th December 2022 | No Apologies Sent |
Name |
Governor Type |
31.1.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 31st January 2023 | | |
H Elliott | Foundation Governor | 31st January 2023 | | |
B Jackson | Head of School | 31st January 2023 | | |
A Kasprowicz | Parent Governor | 31st January 2023 | | |
Rev G Robinson | Ex-Officio | 31st January 2023 | | |
K Schofield | Foundation Governor | 31st January 2023 | | |
Dafydd Davies | Staff Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
R Harrision | Parent Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
H Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
18.11.22 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 18th November 2022 | | |
H Elliott | Chair of Finance Committee | 18th November 2022 | | |
B Jackson | Head of School | 18th November 2022 | | |
J Kinch | Headteacher | 18th November 2022 | | |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | Apologies Accepted | | |
Mrs K Ogden | Foundation Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
14.6.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 14/06/2023 | | |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 14/06/2023 | | |
Hilda Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies | | |
Hannah Elliot | Chair of Finance Committee | 14/06/2023 | | |
B Jackson | Headteacher | 14/06/2023 | | |
D Lewis | Business Manager | 14/06/2023 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
15.11.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 15/11/2023 | | |
Hannah Elliot | Chair of Finance Committee | 15/11/2023 | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 15/11/2023 | | |
Rebecca Harrison | Parent Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
Hilda Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
B Jackson | Headteacher | 15/11/2023 | | |
D Lewis | Business Manager | 15/11/2023 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
17.5.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 17/05/2023 | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 17/05/2023 | | |
Hilda Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
Dafydd Davies | Staff Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
Hannah Elliot | Foundation Governor | 17/05/2023 | | |
R Harrision | Parent Governor | 17/05/2023 | | |
B Jackson | Headteacher | 17/05/2023 | | |
A Kasprowicz | Parent Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | 17/05/2023 | | |
Gareth Robinson | Ex-Officio | Apologies Accepted | | |
K Schofield | Foundation Governor | 17/05/2023 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
7.5.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
K Schofield | Foundation Governor | 05/07/2023 | | |
Rev Gareth Robinson | Ex-Officio | 05/07/2023 | | |
A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | apologies not sent | | |
R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 05/07/2023 | | |
Hilda Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
A Kasprowicz | Parent Governor | 05/07/2023 | | |
B Jackson | Headteacher | 05/07/2023 | | |
R Harrision | Parent Governor | 05/07/2023 | | |
Hannah Elliot | Foundation Governor | 05/07/2023 | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 05/07/2023 | | |
Dafydd Davies | Staff Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
4.10.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 04/10/2023 | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 04/10/2023 | | |
B Jackson | Headteacher | 04/10/2023 | | |
Hannah Elliot | Foundation Governor | 04/10/2023 | | |
Rebecca Harrison | Parent Governor | 04/10/2023 | | |
A Kasprowicz | Parent Governor | 04/10/2023 | | |
Hilda Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies Accepted | | |
A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | 04/10/2023 | | |
Gareth Robinson | Ex-Officio | 04/10/2023 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
27.11.23 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Mrs R Lapington | Chair of Governors | 27/11/2023 | | |
A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | No Apologies Sent | | |
Rev G Robinson | Ex-Officio | Apologies Accepted | | |
Hilda Koon | Foundation Governor | 27/11/2023 | | |
A Kasprowicz | Parent Governor | 27/11/2023 | | |
B Jackson | Headteacher | 27//11/2023 | | |
R Harrision | Parent Governor | 27/11/2023 | | |
Hannah Elliot | Foundation Governor | 27/11/2023 | | |
Mrs D Eaton | Foundation Governor | 27/11/2023 | | |
Dafydd Davies | Staff Governor | 27/11/2023 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
12.3.24 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Rachel Lapington | Chair of Governors | 12th March 2024 | | |
Doris Eaton | Vice Chair | 12th March 2024 | | |
Hannah Elliott | Chair of Finance | 12th March 2024 | | |
Beverley Jackson | Headteacher | 12th March 2024 | | |
Debbie Lewis | School Business Manager | 12th March 2024 | | |
Jade Jones | Clerk to the Governing Body | 12th March 2024 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
18.6.24 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Rachel Lapington | Chair of Governors | 18th June 2024 | | |
Doris Eaton | Vice Chair of Governors | 18th June 2024 | | |
Hannah Elliott | Chair of Finance | 18th June 2024 | | |
Beverley Jackson | Headteacher | 18th June 2024 | | |
Debbie Lewis | School Business Manager | 18th June 2024 | | |
Jade Jones | Clerk to the Governing Body | 18th June 2024 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Rachel Lapington | Chair of Governors | 12th November 2024 | | |
Doris Eaton | Vice Chair of Governors | 12th November 2024 | | |
Hannah Elliott | Chair of Finance | 12th November 2024 | | |
Beverley Jackson | Headteacher | 12th November 2024 | | |
Debbie Lewis | School Business Manager | 12th November 2024 | | |
Jade Jones | Clerk to the Governing Body | 12th November 2024 | | |
Name |
Governor Type |
31.1.24 |
19.3.24 |
15.5.24 |
Rachel Lapington | Chair of Governors | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | 15/05/2024 |
Doris Eaton | Foundation Governor | Apologies | 19/0312024 | 15/05/2024 |
Miss A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | No Apologies | No Apologies | 15/05/2024 |
Hannah Elliott | Foundation Governor | 31/01/2024 | Apologies | Apologies |
Rev Robinson | Foundation Ex Officio | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | Apologies |
Mr T Olson | Foundation Governor | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | Apologies |
Ms A Kasprowic | Parent Governor | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | Apologies |
Mrs Jordan | Staff Governor | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | 15/05/2024 |
Miss Harrison | Parent Governor | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | 15/05/2024 |
Miss A Yeoman | Foundation Governor | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | 15/05/2024 |
Mrs H Koon | Foundation Governor | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | 15/05/2024 |
Beverley Jackson | Headteacher | 31/01/2024 | 19/03/2024 | 15/05/2024 |
Name |
Governor Type |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
1.1.70 |
Rachel Lapington | Chair of Governors | 25/06/2024 | | |
Doris Eaton | Foundation Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Hannah Elliott | Foundation Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Beverley Jackson | Headteacher | 25/06/2024 | | |
Miss A Ngwira | Foundation Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Mrs H Koon | Foundation Governor | Apologies | | |
Rev Robinson | Foundation Ex Officio | Apologies | | |
Mr T Olson | Foundation Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Miss A Yeoman | Foundation Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Miss R Harrison | Parent Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Ms A Kasprowic | Parent Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |
Mrs Jordan | Staff Governor | 25/06/2024 | | |