Term Dates

School Dates 2024/2025
School Dates 2025/2026
Term Close Re-open
SummerTuesday 3rd September
Mid TermFriday 18th OctoberTuesday 29th October
ChristmasThursday 19th December
New YearTuesday 7th January
Mid TermFriday 14th FebruaryTuesday 25th February
Easter HolidayFriday 4th AprilTuesday 22nd April
May DayMonday 5th May
Mid TermFriday 23rd MayTuesday 3rd June
SummerWednesday 23rd July
Term Close Re-open
SummerTuesday 2nd September
Mid TermFriday 25th OctoberTuesday 4th November
ChristmasThursday 18th December
New YearTuesday 6th January
Mid TermFriday 13th February Tuesday 24th February
Easter HolidayFriday 2nd April Monday 20th April
May DayFriday 1st May Tuesday 5th May
Mid TermFriday 22nd May Tuesday 2nd June
SummerWednesday 22nd July

St Philip’s CE Primary School, in line with the Local Authority, will not authorise holidays taken in term time because of the detrimental effect this absence would have upon your child's learning.

SATs Tests take place in May. 

Children in Year 2 complete their SATs throughout May and it is vital that children are in school at this time. 

Children in Year 6 complete their SATs in SAT week. SATs week will be at the beginning of May . Please make sure that your child is in school everyday. 

Paul Steadman

Child and Family Support Officer/Deputy Safeguarding Lead

0161 921 1884

Attendance Badges 

Children achieve termly attendance badges for their good attendance in school. See below for this term's expectations for earning a badge! 

0 days absence - 100% attendance = GOLD

0.5 days absence = 99.3%SILVER 

1.0 days absence = 98.6%SILVER

1.5 days absence = 97.9%BRONZE

2.0 days absence = 97.1% =  BRONZE

2.5 days absence = 96.4%BRONZE 

3.0 days absence = 95.7% = NO BADGE