Years 5 and 6 Home Learning

This page provides links to a range of activities in addition to the work available on Seesaw or Google Classroom. Make sure you turn in your work so that the teacher can respond to it.  

Links to other resources can be found on the Learning At Home Page - you can click on the link on the left hand side of this page. 


Learning from Home – Year 6

Additional activities to support learning at home:

Get reading! 

Look out for online stories.  There are lots of stories read by celebrities and authors available online.  You can also search for stories to listen to.

Get writing! 

Keep a diary or write messages and letters.  BBC Bitesize has some engaging learner guides and clips to help with story writing.

Get adding…and subtracting, multiplying, dividing…

Help stick to a budget when shopping by researching and calculating costs.  Look out for deals where you can calculate percentages.

Meanwhile, there are some fun games that will keep your brain ticking at Maths Zone.

Be curious!

There is a whole world of learning to be found at BBC Bitesize - why not browse and choose something that interests you.   Make a fact file about any subject that interests you.