The School Day

Good Attendance = Good Learning

At St Philip’s all staff are committed to helping children to achieve their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. In order for children to get the greatest possible benefits from school, good attendance and punctuality is essential. Please ensure that children are in school everyday. Holidays will not be authorised. 

The school day starts at 8:45am.  Our current school week is 32.5 hours. The children need to be in school everyday and on time. Our current annual attendance is 93.9%. Our school target is 96%.

Attendance Badges 

Children achieve termly attendance badges for their good attendance in school.  

days absence - 100% attendance = GOLD

0.5 days absence = 99.3% =  SILVER 

1.0 days absence = 98.6%SILVER

1.5 days absence = 97.9% =  BRONZE

2.0 days absence = 97.1% =  BRONZE

2.5 days absence = 96.4% = BRONZE 

3.0 days absence = 95.7% = NO BADGE 


Times of the School Day

8:40 am

The bell goes and children go to their classrooms

8:45 am

Classroom doors are locked and late children must be brought to reception to be signed in

Friday 9:00am

Friday: Celebration worship – Parents invited via text message


10:30 am

KS1 playtime

10:45 am

KS2 playtime

11:30am – 1:00 pm



Daily Act of Worship: 

Monday: Worship                                    Tuesday: Singing worship 
Wednesday: Worship 
Thursday: Class worship

3:15 pm

Gates open at 3:05pm for parents/carer to wait in the playground

3:15 Bell: School finishes

3:25: Gates are locked (please contact the school office) 

Snack Time

We have mid-morning break when the younger children have fruit provided by the national fruit scheme for all children under 7 years of age. All children are also given freshly cooked bagels each morning. 

Children under 5 and those on free dinners are provided with a carton of milk each day. Milk is available to the other children at a small cost levied by the LA. Milk is paid for in advance, per term through the Cool Milk Scheme. 

As a Healthy School and to ensure children do not come into contact with allergens, we do not allow cakes and sweets brought into school for birthdays. Instead, you may wish to bring small party bags (rubbers, pencils, small toys etc) 

School Dinners

Dinners can be ordered online using the Evolve System.  Miss Ellis in the office  will issue you with an activation code to set up your child's account.  Dinners must be ordered in advance before 5.00 pm. on a Sunday for the following week. If you fail to order your child's meals, they will be given a basic meal of a cheese sandwich and a piece of fruit and this will be charged to your account by Citywide Catering Services. 

If you feel you may be entitled to free school meals call at the school office and Miss Ellis will give
you advice on how to apply. School does receive extra funding for FSM children so if your child is in  receipt of Universal Free School Meals because they are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2  please still apply as this is different. 

If you wish to change the arrangements for your child’s dinner e.g. from school lunch to packed
lunch we need to know 2 weeks in advance. This is to help the cook with the ordering of the food.

Packed lunches should contain nutritional food i.e. a sandwich, piece of fruit, yoghurt, a cereal
bar biscuit.

Sweets, chocolate bars and chewing/bubble gum are not healthy and therefore not
allowed. On special occasions, children may be given sweets or chocolate at school
as a treat. St Philip’s is a NUT FREE school due to some children having nut allergies.