At St Philip’s we follow the National Curriculum and link it together with key skills that we should know in each year and in each subject.
By clicking on the subject links below, you can find out more about the curriculum and what is being taught in each year group. If you require paper copies, please come to the school office, where copies can be made for you.
Our curriculum intent:
Our intent is to create active learners who can reflect, question, wonder, think, connect, be self-aware and be resilient. We intend to provide opportunities for our children to build knowledge, make meaning and apply understanding across a range of learning experiences.
As school that serves a diverse community, the promotion of acceptance and inclusion underpins our curriculum, whilst maintaining our strong Christian values and ethos.
Broad and Balanced:
We encourage the staff to plan activities that support the children to experience the curriculum first-hand.
These experiences include:
- Worship in church
- Local church leaders in school
- Visitors in school; including science workshops, artists and historical visitors
- A range of After School Clubs to address all interests and ages – including Guitar, Drums, Choir, Multi-Sports, Art, Reading etc.
- Trips to museums and galleries
- Local visits to understand the local area and how it is developing
- Working with local community groups such as Islington Mill
- Seasonal experiences; e.g., Christmas and Easter activities
- Residential trips to Lledr Hall for Year 6
- Introduction to a range of sports and adventurous activities in the local area; e.g., Graystone Action Sports, Water Sports, Climbing and golf.
- Sports Competitions across the local cluster and local authority
- Debate competition within the cluster (winners in 2022)
Keeping Parents Informed:
Parents are kept informed about what their child is learning through Parent meetings and regular updates on the school website which highlight what is being taught and any suggested support that can be given.
Use the drop down menus below to view information about each area of our curriculum:
Curriculum Overviews
Please find links and documents about the curriculum. There is a whole school overview and individual pathways to highlight what is being taught in each year group. We hope you find them useful.
We deliver English through Grammar and Punctuation lessons, reading lessons and writing lessons that link closely to books and immersive experiences.
We follow the Lancashire programme of study for Maths which focuses on specific outcomes for each year group. We make use of additional resources such as Numicon to support our teaching.
- Mathematics programmes of study: KS1 & 2
- Maths Intent and Implementation 2022
- Key Learning Year 1
- Key Learning Year 2
- Key Learning Year 3
- Key Learning Year 4
- Key Learning Year 5
- Key Learning Year 6
- Calculation Policy Introduction
- Mental strategies - Addition
- Mental Strategies - Subtraction
- Mental Strategies - Multiplication
- Mental Strategies - Division
- Counting
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
Religious Education plays an important part in promoting and celebrating the Christian vision and values at St Philip's.
The school follows the 2023 Diocese of Manchester RE syllabus which links with the Understanding Christianity approach. This syllabus includes current thinking and research around religion and world views. It reflects the context of our diverse school with the balance of time 50% to Christianity and 50% to other faiths and world views.
We follow the Learning Challenge Curriculum to support our teaching of Science and ensure that children have a balanced approach which encourages exploration and scientific investigation alongside specific content.
Art & Design
Design & Technology
PSHE incl. Health and Relationships
Come and read about our PSHE curriculum which now includes the Health and Relationships curriculum, which will be statutory from September 2020.