School Uniform
- Navy Blue jumper
- White T-Shirt
- Black shoes
- Dark trousers/skirt
- Solid colour socks or tights
- Only a watch and stud earrings are allowed
- No makeup, nail varnish etc.
PE Kit
- Dark jumper
- White T-Shirt
- Dark shorts (Summer) e.g. black or navy (we stock black in school)
- Dark tracksuit bottoms (Winter)
- Trainers/Pumps
- Earrings will need to be covered or removed on PE Days. If children go swimming, there will be an expectation that they will have to remove earrings completely.
We do sell the following items in school:
White Cotton T-Shirt £3.80, Black Shorts £3.75
These items can be ordered from the school office.
Swimming Kits
- Swimming Trunks not shorts
- Swimming Costumes not bikinis
- Swimming Cap for long hair
- Towel
- No earrings - they must be removed on swimming day.
Pre-loved Uniform
We have a number of pre-loved uniform items available that have been donated by other parents. The items are in good, clean condition and are free of charge. You can find our Pre-loved Uniform Cupboard in the main reception area.