Welcome to St Philip’s CE Primary School in Salford.
St Philip’s is a small voluntary aided school in Salford Local Authority but situated very close to Manchester City Centre. We have a strong Christian ethos which is well supported by the church community, our parents, children and other community partners.
Our school has grown in size and our community is incredibly diverse. We welcome families from across the globe who bring a range of cultural and religious backgrounds. We maintain strong links with St Philip’s Church who deliver acts of worship in school and in church.
At St Philip’s School, we also house 2 Language Resource Provisions which are managed by a team of specialist staff, supporting children with Education, Health and Care Plans for Speech and Language.
We work closely with parents to support their children to achieve their full potential and communication is vital. Staff are available for informal discussions at the beginning of the day. Ms Jackson and Mr Steadman will also be out on the playground at the beginning and end of the day to meet with parents and answer any questions.
Longer discussions can be arranged by appointment. If you have any worries or concerns, we encourage you to come into school and discuss them with us personally or by phone.
Please go to the contact page for key contacts and school contact details.
Ms B Jackson