Years 1 and 2 Home Learning

This page provides links to a range of activities for Phonics, Maths, Spoken language and other suitable activities. 

It is vital that the children are reading on a daily basis as this is the foundation of their learning and will support them in all other aspects of their school life. It is expected that children in Years 2 and 3 complete at least two reading activities in their reading journal, per week. 

Times tables is a fundamental part of the children's understanding of mathematics and to support this there is an expectation that the children should access TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars). Please find the link to the left of the page. Teachers send login details home at the start of the year so it can be accessed at home. 

If you have any queries, please see your child's class teacher or alternatively the phase lead, Miss Davis.  

Useful sites for games and learning activities:  for additional online maths games  for printable activities and teaching resources  for online books and curriculum linked activities   OR  for curriculum linked games.