SEN Provision

SEN Provision

We are an inclusive school. Children come to St Philip's with a range of needs and our SEN team work with the children and their families to support the children to access the curriculum at the appropriate level. 

Children with identified SEND have Individual Education Plans (IEPs), written by their teachers and support staff, setting out targets for the children to achieve. This forms part of the children's curriculum. IEPs help the teachers to plan activities and support the children to make progress. Teaching assistants and teachers work with the children to deliver quality first teaching and tailored interventions at key times in the week. 

For more information about SEN at St Philip's, please read the School Local Offer report  and the SEN information report on the left hand side of this screen. This highlights the work that we do in school to support children with SEND.

The Local Authority Local Offer link on the left hand side of the screen provides you with access to information for across Salford. 

Language Resource Provision

St. Philip’s CE Primary School hosts a 16 place Language Resource Provision. The provision is spread across 2 classrooms, adjacent to the appropriate key stages. The children placed here are between 4 and 11 years old and have a range of speech and language disorders. These include difficulties with expression, understanding, phonology, semantics and pragmatic language.

The key stage 1 Resource has been based at St. Philip’s since 1991. It is one of three provisions in Salford for infant aged children. The key stage 2 Resource opened in January 2000 and is one of two such resources  in Salford for junior aged children.

The Language Resource at St Philip’s provides a specialist and caring educational environment for children with speech and language disorders. The children receive intensive teaching and speech and language therapy whilst still being part of a mainstream primary school. They consist of intensive provision with Teachers, Nursery Nurses, Teaching Assistants and Speech and Language Therapists working closely together to ensure that the children are happy and make the best possible progress.

Each resource is staffed by one full time Teacher and one full time Nursery Nurse / level 3 Teaching Assistant.

The children follow a broad curriculum that includes all the strands of the National Curriculum taught in the mainstream classes. However there is extra emphasis on all aspects of language and literacy as these are areas of difficulty for all children in the language resources.

The Language Resource children join the mainstream children at play times and dinner times. They are also involved in class and whole school assemblies, and take a full part in the life of the school.

All the staff at St. Philip’s are kept fully aware of the children’s SEND needs, to ensure a sensitive and supportive environment at all times.

Before placement in the language resource a child will have had a full assessment by an Educational Psychologist, a medical investigation and a period of Speech and language therapy. Other additional agencies may also be involved. Evidence from these interventions is considered by the local Education Authority who recommend Language Resource if it is appropriate.

At every stage, parents are involved and their wishes sought to ensure a partnership between home, school and the local Education Authority to best meet the needs of the child.

Children may be transported between home and school in a minibus or taxi, according to the LEA Transport Policy. There is usually an escort on the transport who takes responsibility for the children.


If you want to complain about our school’s SEN support, you should do so whilst your child is registered with us. This includes complaints that school has not provided support required by your child’s Education Health and Care Plan.

Please talk to our special educational needs co-ordinator Mr Newbould or Mrs Rudge about your complaint. If you do not feel your complaint has been resolved, you should follow our school’s complaints procedure.

If you have any questions regarding SENs (Special Educational Needs) please contact our SENCO Mr Newbould or Mrs Rudge via the school office.

If you require paper copies of our policies they are available at the school office.